Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

The adult ministries at Bethany United Methodist Church offer a variety of ways in which we minister to adults. Examples include educational classes and forums, fellowship groups, outings, retreats, and much more. Listed below are just a few of the opportunities available.

Adult Education

Bethany offers a variety of studies each year. These range from short-term studies or focused topics to year-long survey courses of the entire Bible.  Currently all classes are held via Zoom.  For specific links to these classes, check our Upcoming Events page.  Current studies include:


Sundays, 8:45 am in person and on Zoom

Faithlink is on hiatus until September.  This class connects our faith to current issues facing each of us every day.

Back to School with Pastor Brad

Tuesdays, 10:00 am on Zoom

Classes are held on Tuesday mornings beginning at 10:00. Friends and guests are always welcome. And remember – attendance is never taken.