United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith (UWF)

About the UWF

Who: Bethany’s UWF unit is part of an 800,000 member organization, the United Women in Faith. We are a community of women whose purpose is to know God, to experience freedom in Jesus Christ, and to develop a creative, supportive fellowship. We support mission work to assist women, children and youth around the world and at home (the United States, Wisconsin, and Dane County). “Any woman who commits herself to the PURPOSE of United Methodist Women and to engage in mission, study, personal growth and social action can join. You don’t have to be United Methodist or meet an age requirement to be a member.”

What: “Faith, Hope, and Love in Action” – Faith: education and reading – Hope: mission centered around women, children, and youth – Love: giving out of love – Action: call for justice around the world.

Where: UWF is organized at the national, conference (Wisconsin), district (Capital), and unit (Bethany UMC) level.

When: UWF is 150 years old and counting!

How: Through the time, talent, and support of dedicated women!

Why: To “grow spiritually, develop as leaders and serve and work to create a world in which all women, children and youth thrive.”


We welcome all Bethany women to become members and to attend and help at our activities, to contribute financial support toward missions (generally, a $5-$100 pledge per year), and to participate in one or more subgroups. There is no age or United Methodist membership requirement. Contact Gloria Carter or Kathy Doran.

Annual Activities

All women are welcome to participate in a weekend retreat at Pine Lake in the spring and to assist with United Women in Faith Sunday in the fall. A Christmas potluck is held in early December. To raise money for our mission contributions, we host a spring salad luncheon.

Sub Groups

Bethany’s UWF unit consists of the following sub groups, most of which meet monthly and all of which welcome new members. If you see a group that interests you, please feel free to drop by for the next meeting or contact the leader for more information.


Women come together for fellowship and an informal program or service project. We invite you to come to Agape meetings whenever your schedule allows.  They are informal and we welcome all.  The group meets at 1:30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month at Bethany. January and February meetings are held via zoom.  Contact
Carol Clingan or Linda Huttenburg for more information.

Book Browsers

Women who enjoy reading and meet for a book review by one of the members. Members have recently reported on Wild by Cheryl Strayed, In Pieces by Sally Field, and The Ragged Edge of Night by Olivia Hawker.  The group meets at 9:30 am to 11:30 am on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Bethany Library.  Contact Eileen Dunne.

Susanna Circle

Women who meet for friendship, inspiration, and knowledge.  The group meets at 1:00 pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month from September through May at either the Bethany library or a member’s house.  Contact Judy Loveless for more information.

Lydia Fellowship

All are welcome! We cover a variety of topics ranging from healthy living, Bible stories, historical events, guitar playing, youth camp experiences, mission projects to current events – and much more. Contact Eileen Rech.

Reading Program

In order to help its members think critically, grow spiritually, and gain a broader understanding of its mission programs, UWF offers an annual selection of member-reviewed books. There are several reading program plans you can follow (5, 10, 15, or 20 books per year) to explore a range of current issues in categories such as Nurturing for Community, Social Action, Leadership Development, Spiritual Growth, and Education for Mission. The Reading Program brochure can be found here and detailed book lists and reading plans can be found here. Contact Vada Mayfield for details on how to receive a certificate.

Global UWF Resources

The worldwide UWF organization offers a host of resources on their website. Find the UWF magazine (Response) as well as plans for bible studies and spiritual growth studies, educational materials on social justice issues, and much more.